The secret of democrats and estate taxesForums
Thursday, October 11, 2007
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democrats and estate taxes

This is an important question that you should learn the answer to before you ever hire your first employee. If you aren’t planning on hiring anyone, then you don’t need to worry about what payroll taxes can the employer deduct.

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Also, depending on the state your employees are working in, you will also withhold state taxes as well. in addition to state and federal taxes, there is also FICA.

FICA is the amalgamation of social security taxes and Medicare taxes. These are required by everyone.

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human resourcs payroll payroll taxes - News Source

Senator Clinton Proposes Universal 401(k) Plan (The New York Sun)

Wed, 10 Oct 2007 06:16:43 GMT
WASHINGTON — Senator Clinton's plan to pay for government matching contributions to retirement accounts with a higher estate tax puts her squarely at odds with the leading Republican presidential contenders, who all have vowed to kill off the "death tax" as part of their economic platforms. In the second-largest policy initiative of her presidential campaign, Mrs. Clinton is seeking to give ...
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Oct 8, 2007 / Oct 9, 2007 / Oct 11, 2007 / Oct 26, 2007 / Oct 31, 2007 /

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